Auto Gator
Company Information
What Auto Gator Does:
Auto Gator is a full service auto recycler located in Northern California selling used auto parts and repairable salvage vehicles. We specialize in late model salvage auto parts for all makes and models. We also sell late model salvage / repairable vehicles. Our auto salvage facility is located in northern California in a very mild climate with over ten acres of clean, quality car and truck parts vehicles available for all your used part needs. Please give us an opportunity to help serve you.
Our History:
Auto Gator was established in 1981 and we've been serving our customers and the environment ever since. We are an established parts business and our goal is to take care of our customer's needs with integrity and respect. We're not a junk yard. The term "junk yard" is an old term used to describe a filthy, oil and grease filled place with piles of cars scattered all over the ground, like those you see in the movies. Today's "auto dismantlers" have earned the new title by running state-of-the-art facilities, with computer inventories, expensive equipment used to process hazardous fluids removed from vehicles, yards designed to control storm water run off and serving customers worldwide. Autogator's great customer service has been the core to a long successful business.
Our Customers:
- Retail - We can help you get the parts you need so you can get back on the road.
- Wholesale - Auto Gator has been providing shops like yours quality alternative parts.
- Insurance - Insurance adjusters and body shops rely on us to repair the insured's vehicle
Auto Gator Affiliate Associations
BBB (Better Business Bureau)
- BBB sees trust as a function of two primary factors – integrity and performance. Integrity
includes respect, ethics and intent.
SCADA (State of California Auto Dismantlers Association) -
The State of California Auto Dismantlers Association (SCADA) is a statewide trade association
with approximately 200 members. SCADA was founded in 1957 to serve the members in areas of
education, government, business and social activities as they relate to the auto dismantling and
recycling industry.
ARA (Automotive Recyclers Association) - - Since 1943, the
Automotive Recyclers Association (ARA) is an international trade association which has
represented an industry dedicated to the efficient removal and reuse of automotive parts, and
the safe disposal of inoperable motor vehicles. ARA services approximately 1,000 member
companies through direct membership and over 2,000 other companies through our affiliated
chapters. Suppliers of equipment and services to this industry complete ARA's membership. ARA is
the only trade association serving the automotive recycling industry in 12 countries
internationally. ARA aims to further the automotive recycling industry through various services
and programs to increase public awareness of the industry's role in conserving the future
through automotive recycling and to foster awareness of the industry's value as a high quality,
low cost alternative for the automotive consumer. ARA encourages aggressive environmental
management programs to assist member facilities in maintaining proper management techniques for
fluid and solid waste materials generated from the disposal of motor vehicles.
URG (United Recyclers Group) - Established in 1995, United
Recyclers Group, LLC was created through the efforts of three dynamic auto recyclers. Their goal
was to obtain more control over their parts data, and bring to the marketplace an inventory
management system that was created by auto recyclers. Today, the vision of these three auto
recyclers has formed the largest progressive group of auto recyclers in North America. With over
250 partners throughout the U.S. and Canada, URG has created one of the most proactive
organizations for the auto recycler.